Spare parts
As far as safety and reliability of the equipment, the original manufactured parts has the best quality.
We know our equipment and what is best for the equipment delivered. Original spare parts is a good guarantee of performance and ensures high availability over time.
We can also recommend and suggest any adjustments due to new operating conditions and circumstances.
We have a very good documentation of our delivered systems, this ensures a quick and good answers when it comes to parts and service.

Silos and Wood Handling
Magnus Spjuth Adelörn
Phone: +46 8-500 666 99 - Magnus Landberg
Phone: +46 8-500 666 93
Grate and Energy systems
- Tomas Wendt
Phone: +46 8-500 666 95
Rotary Feader
Olof Eriksson
Phone: +46 8-500 666 91